
Tüchler, S., and Copeland, C. D., 2020, “Validation of a Numerical Quasi-One-Dimensional Model for Wave Rotor Turbines with Curved Channels,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 142, No. 2, pp. 021017.
Tüchler, S., and Copeland, C. D., 2019, “Parametric Numerical Study on the Performance Characteristics of a Micro-Wave Rotor Gas Turbine,” International Gas Turbine Congress, Paper IGTC-2019-200
Akbari, P., Copeland, C. D., Tüchler, S., Davidson, M., and Mahmoodi-Jezeh, S. V., “Shock Wave Heating: A Novel Method for Low-Cost Hydrogen Production” 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Conference, ASME Paper IMECE2021-69775, Virtual, Online, 2021.
Akbari, P., Copeland, C. D., Tüchler, S., Ferris, A. M., Davidson, D. F., and Hanson, R. K., “Investigation of Ammonia-Hydrogen Mixture as a Green Fuel for Jet Engines Using a Wave Reformer” 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, AIAA Paper 2022-2048, USA, 2022
Akbari, P., Copeland, C. D., and Tüchler, S., “The Use of Wave Machinery for Power Generation and Production of Hydrogen as Gas Turbine Fuel” 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, AIAA Paper 2022-1089, USA, 2022
Mahmoodi-Jezeh, S. V., Tüchler, S., Madiot, G., Davidson, M., Akbari, P., and Copeland, “Numerical Study of Methane Pyrolysis Inside a Single-Channel Shock Wave Reformer” 2022 International ASME Turbo Exposition, ASME Paper GT 2022-82683, Netherlands, 2022
Madiot, G., Mahmoodi-Jezeh, S. V., Tüchler, S., Davidson, M., Akbari, P., and Copeland, “Quasi-Two-Dimensional Numerical Model for Shock Wave Reformers” 2022 International ASME Turbo Exposition, ASME Paper GT 2022-80865, Netherlands, 2022.

Gt2022 -80865-quasi-two-dimensional Numerical Model For Shock Wave Reformers
To ensure access to sustainable, affordable, reliable, and clean energy for all, the energy sector must be transformed. Hydrogen offers an excellent potential to replace

Parametric Numerical Study on the Performance Characteristics of a Micro Wave Rotor
Over the past years, a growing demand for robotic and autonomous systems in both the civilian and defence market has developed. Applications range from unmanned

The Use of Wave Machinery for Power Generation and Production of Hydrogen as Gas Turbine Fuel
Gas turbines present a unique opportunity to generate power outputs and have been widely used in power plants, stationary power generation, and propulsion systems. Increasing

2020 Validation Of A Numerical Quasi One-dimensional Model For Wave Rotor Turbines With Curved Channels
Introduction Over the past decades, numerous research studies have been dedicated toward the investigation of dynamic pressure exchange machinery, such as wave rotors. These devices

NWH2 Ammonia_H2 Jet Fuel and Turbines AIAA 2022-2048
Investigation of Ammonia-Hydrogen Mixture as a Green Fuel for Jet Engines Using a Wave Reformer Pejman Akbari1 California State Polytechnic University Pomona, CA, 91768, USA

IMECE2021-Final Novel Method for Low Cost H2
Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Pejman Akbari California State Polytechnic University Pomona, California Colin D. Copeland Simon Fraser

Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition School of Sustainable Energy Engineering, Simon Fraser University,Surrey, BC V3T 4B7, Canada Department of